Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS
KwaAfrica works to reduce the impact of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS, providing prevention, testing and support services in eight London boroughs. We work with a number of strategic partners, stakeholders and beneficiary groups to make sure that everyone has access to the information, support and services they need to make informed decisions about their health.
Faith Communities
Our faith work recognises the influence of faith in people’s lives. We partner with faith communities and faith leaders to promote health and well-being. KwaAfrica organises workshops, meetings and training sessions so that faith leaders are enabled to spread information and awareness about HIV/AIDS, sexual health, and healthy living, to their congregations. We also work directly with congregations to make sure that key messages about health are heard.
Health and Well-being
Healthy behaviours are crucial for securing health in the long-term and for preventing the onset of debilitating chronic health conditions. Peer support, information, workshops, motivation and guidance can make sure people are able to reduce their risk of conditions like diabetes, COPD, obesity, and high blood pressure.
Female Genital Mutilation
There are no recognised health benefits to FGM. In fact, it can cause serious and long-term complications, psychological trauma and even death. Community outreach, advocacy and lobbying, support and awareness-raising is required to challenge practices that hurt women and girls, and communities.
If you would like to get in touch about using our services, or are affected by any of the issues mentioned here, please do get in touch for more information. All correspondence is treated with complete confidentiality.