We work with local partners to help improve health and well-being in some of the most disadvantaged communities. You can find out more about our international projects below and you can read our partners’ profiles here.

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Programme Areas

Supporting Girls’ Education


Girls and young women face specific challenges in getting a good education, and missing out on school drastically affects quality of life in adulthood. Low income, a lack of value placed on girls’ education, early marriage, domestic chores, distance to school, unsuitable learning environments, and a lack of sanitary provisions are some of the many factors that keep girls out of school. When girls are educated, they are more likely to be healthier, happier and have a higher income in later life. Mothers who have spent longer in education are more likely to have healthy children, and in turn, their children are more likely to spend longer in school. Ensuring equal and inclusive education strengthens communities and makes sure that development is sustainable and fair. KwaAfrica and its partners work on a number of projects to support girls and young women to stay in school and to achieve their best.

HIV Prevention and Support


People living with HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa face a number of challenges that limit their ability to live happy, healthy and productive lives. KwaAfrica’s projects make sure that people living with the condition can access the treatment and support their needs, and work to halt the transmission of HIV/AIDS. When people get the treatment needed to manage their condition they can remain healthy for longer, and are more able to take advantage of economic opportunities, or pursue training or education. Challenging stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV is important in order to remove barriers to opportunities for self-help and to improve the well-being of people living with the condition. Partnering with grassroots local organisations, KwaAfrica works to empower people living with HIV and to fight the transmission of HIV/AIDS in Uganda and Zambia.

Ecopads for better girls’ education


Every year hundreds of girls and young women around the world miss out on countless days of schooling because they don’t have access to basic sanitary provisions. Not being able to afford sanitary pads means that girls often will skip school around their period so as to avoid any discomfort or embarrassment. Kadama Widows Association is pioneering an innovative solution to this problem in Eastern Uganda, and by  doing so help to provide vulnerable women with an income as well as ensuring that girls are more able to stay in school.

Improving health and healthcare


People living with HIV/AIDS in Uganda face a number of challenges that limit their ability to live happy, healthy and productive lives. Stigma, poor health services, and a lack of information and opportunity cause unnecessary suffering and ill health. KwaAfrica has been working with our two partners, CHAWOA and KWA, for ten years in the Eastern Region of Uganda in order to spread awareness of HIV/AIDS, improve the health of people living with the condition, increase opportunities for economic empowerment, and to campaign for better quality healthcare.