Our Staff 

Mary Mosinghi

Mary Mosinghi

Executive Director

Mary is a co-founder and Executive Director of KwaAfrica, and bring to the role over 20 years’ experience of working in development and management. Mary played a pivotal and lead role in developing KwaAfrica's international arm, and setting up partnerships in Africa. She has been leading the organisation since 2010, after a successful career working in sexual health commissioning in the NHS. Mary is a qualified teacher and an executive coach.

Contact:    m.mosinghi@kwaafrica.org  CBpFkPaz1  

Amanda Amito

Amanda Amito

Head of Programmes

Amanda is KwaAfrica’s Head of Programmes, and has been with the organisation for over eight years having started her journey as a service user, transitioning to a volunteer and later to an employee. A member of POWER 14, a consortium of African diaspora women leaders selected for their leadership and community development excellence, and also the top 100 Diaspora ChangeMakers group, Amanda is pivotal in establishing and growing our UK and International interventions.

Contact:   a.amito@kwaafrica.org CBpFkPaz1

Cephas Mosinghi

Cephas Mosinghi

Office Manager

Cephas Mosinghi is KwaAfrica’s Office Manager. Cephas has been working for KwaAfrica since its creation, and has led on establishing community initiatives like the Men’s Support Group to encourage men to access services.

Jasmine Pearson

Jasmine Pearson

Fundraising and Communications Manager

Jasmine is responsible for the organisation’s fundraising and communications, and liaises with our local partners to aid with project design. Jasmine started at KwaAfrica as a volunteer in 2013 after completing a Masters in International Development at The University of Manchester.

Fillmora Anim-Addo

Fillmora Anim-Addo

Accounts and Admin Officer

Fillmora joined us in 2014 as a volunteer and has since become our Accounts and Admin Officer. With a B(Ed) in Accounting and Management, an MBA in Finance and Banking, and years of experience in the accounting, banking, and oil industry, Fillmora brings to the team great professional experience and technical skills.

Faith Ikaaba

Faith Ikaaba

ASHN Coordinator

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Our Volunteers 

Roman Bako

Roman Bako

Communication and Events Volunteer

Roman works in one of the London's publishing firms. He has been volunteering for KwaAfrica since 2015. Roman provides communications supports and helps KwaAfrica's staff with a variety of projects. Roman earned a masters degree in African studies from the University of Edinburgh in 2013.




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